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Michal M.

Most of my clients are more happy and feel more comfortable while customizing themes via Customizer. WP admin has a huge tech debt, it is slow and sluggish.

I envy you your clients. My clients are usually older people with very limited computer skills. They can be taught how to operate admin because it’s very similar for example to their email client. But it’s almost impossible to teach them customizer because their brain can’t handle all these sliding disappearing panels and sections.

I also have few friends which are pro affiliate bloggers and non of them is using customizer and they don’t understand why should they. No advantage for them. Just bad UX and it is much slower.

Anywho, I think more devs should consider reading the API and improving the component which so much vital from a user’s perspective. This kind of thing used to be a dealbreaker for WP – not anymore.

Just my feeling but maybe it is because “it is not a WP” anymore. I feel it like something different build on WP. For someone without very good js skills It’s much more complicated, much harder to debug, extend, easier to break and less documented than classic php core. As average developer It was always fun for me working with wp php core but is a pain and struggle to work with customizer core.


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