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Lisa League

Spending time, money, and attention on court diverts it to attorneys instead of that valuable time money, and attention spent on software.

but the license needs a lot more clarity (or evolution) and if or Automattic want to be the protectors of the realm, they should eliminate hypocrisy.

And this is where I’d rather see attorney’s attention spent – on clarity and brevity where possible in defining the license terms. Not in court enforcing them.

On education, so that the many communities who use and contribute to OSS projects using GPL or various “MIT” licenses are clear on how to do so correctly.

Maybe too idealistic to hope for, but then these kinds of situations would be less likely to happen intentionally or inadvertently. Without opponents you can’t play the sport, but you also can’t play well if everyone’s trying to play the same game by a different set of rules. Or without knowing the rules.


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