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Vince, your way of seeing things really got me thinking.
First I thought Pete’s answer covered most of how I feel about it, but there is something about this:

Developers do not have degrees in business – so let the business professionals handle the distribution channels and platforms and developers focus on developing.

This generalization is a hard one to swallow for me.

I don’t have a business degree, nor do I want one (aren’t we over that MBA craze of the 90’s and 00’s?), but I wouldn’t say about myself that I don’t have business sense and knowledge. So allow me to question the way marketplaces are run.

I believe we need to differentiate between lone developers doing their bid for WordPress glory and complex teams that bring complementary skills to the table. We, PixelGrade, are such a team with everything from designers, developers, marketers, to support people.

The fact that we chose to distribute our products through ThemeForest or other platforms doesn’t make us anything less able to understand the bigger picture and act accordingly (preferably ahead of the others). Unfortunately for us, we understand pretty well how things move in the market and what things come first on the “business people’s” agenda.

Also having business knowledge doesn’t make one the maker of a great marketplace or platform. That requires a different set of skills. And when you factor in the rapid pace of change in today’s internet and society, a very usefull skill to have is actually knowing when to trash those business degrees.

As for pride, yes we take great pride in our work and so should anyone who loves what he is doing. We are not ashamed of that. But you are implying we are pricing our theme based on pride. That is plain wrong, and I would love to see someone who can pull it off in the long run. I wouldn’t respect him, but it would surely be interesting.

I am sorry to see you implying we are greedy and sort of liars. We are neither, and as a matter of fact, figures do lie. Figures are used as arguments for lies all the time. It’s a matter of choice and integrity.

I don’t mean this to be a rant with you, but you’ve expressed such a decisive opinion that I think it needed to be challenged.


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