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Jonathan Davis

I didn’t say you hated us. I said “as much as you might hate” or, to put it another way: “to whatever degree of hatred you might have for Shopp”.

However, I have seen your messages of slamming Shopp and our support team across several mediums and in several online venues including our own site. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s been a vendetta. But certainly a small campaign.

Anyone that feels that strongly enough to spend time and energy crafting those messages does display a measured amount of disdain for what they are speaking out against and a degree of happiness for what they are speaking for.

Your last sentiment, a subtle/not so subtle jab seemingly tagged on the end of your reply, certainly reinforces my point. Your actions and words to tie it together.

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter anymore. You’re happy where you are now, and I’m happy for you. It seems enough to leave it at that.


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