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Miroslav Glavic

@ Michael Torbert

those 12 custom plugins were for client projects, they paid for it.

anyways, let’s take a contact form plugin…there are many plugins to use. just because a plugin is a paid one, does not mean it is a good plugin.

When I said paying for a plugin, I meant more than $1/$1.99, I am not going to pay $9.99 for a plugin that does not do 100% of what I want that plugin to do. Yes I am willing to pay $9.99 or more for a plugin that does what I want it to do.

One plugin I don’t like the way it’s going it’s the next gen gallery, Until I find a replacement, NGG is on my site.

@Barry: if you are going to put plugins then support them, wether free or not. One of the best things about WordPress is that it is free. Just because some of your plugins are free, does it mean you won’t support it? NO, as an author of plugins (this applies to theme authors too) you need to support it, I will support authors who have the passion for WordPress and who are not greedy who think they deserve my money………….earn my donation. I have donated around $80 in the past 5ish years on plugins/themes authors of WordPress, PHPBB and other Open Source projects.
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