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@Andreas Nurbo

Taunts, nasty emails, etc. . . aren’t death threats or attacks. Frankly, he says nothing new, nothing that other people haven’t complained about or written off as to why wordpress doesn’t work for them. I think he’s stirred up a ton of controversy not over wordpress itself (as I said, his complaints are nothing new), but over his over reaction to the community and vague reports of being personally threatened.

I’m coming into this late, but from what I’ve seen is KJG over-reacting and willfully inciting a flame war and then fanning the flames by claiming he’s personally been threatened and that the community and core team from WP are responsible. Most of the posts I’ve seen in response to his post are either refuting his assertions about wordpress or agreeing, – and later, apologetically agreeing that he’s being mercilessly attacked and its a shame “the community” would do that. But not the death threats or personal attacks. If there truly were “credible” death threats, he wouldn’t be posting, he’d be securing the safety of his family and not talking about it on the interwebs.

I have met enough bullshitters to recognize one when I see one, and my bullshit alarm is blaring.


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