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Ted Clayton

@John P. Bloch

To say that, because some people release poorly written plugins, WordPress has bad plugin architecture…

I don’t think the limitations we see with the number of plugins that can be comfortably used in typical WP websites, is a reflection of a “bad plugin architecture”.

While it is of course true that poorly-made plugins can cause a variety of problems, these days plugins that are hosted on the WP Extend Repository get at least a perfunctory vetting, and we see individuals ‘out there’ complaining about the amount of time and back & forth they have to invest in order for WordPress Dot Org to agree to host their code.

The typical WordPress user who gets a bit ‘plugin-happy’, typically selects plugins that are popular, widespread, and among the better-proven titles. These collections tend to be better-behaved than what we find when we get ‘off the beaten path’ and select plugins that have small audiences and sparse update histories.

Yet, common plugins that mostly observe good protocol, still begin to cause loading that soon ‘warns’ the would-be plugin-enthusiast to desist.


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