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Miroslav Glavic

$12 + S/H for a subscription? I am seriously Rolling on the floor LAUGHING.
That price is a weeeeeee bit high, specially + $8 S/H for Canada?

First of all why is it that when something shipped from US to Canada we are destroyed in S/H prices? most of them consider Canada as overseas?

Canada Post charges $0.59 anywhere in Canada, $1.03 for USA $1.75 International. <— standard letter rates.
Technically speaking USA is Internationl (from our point of view) but most shipping companies (including Canada Post) keep USA outside the "International" category. Yet on the way back we don't get the same respect.

$8 <— S/H per issue? are you bloody serious? (I am restraining my usual blunt self on this comment just so you know as I want to use extremely colorful language here).

Canada and USA are essentially one country in many levels, we are each others's biggest trading partners.

The most I ever paid for S/H per issue was $9. So essentially I am paying $20 per issue). I have about 20 magazine/newspaper subscriptions and none of them charge me $8 s/h and the fact that it is two weeks.

I will not be getting a subscription.

Yearly subscription S/H is $16, so a total of $52. Still no.

S/H rate for yearly is the same as Russia, Qatar, Nigeria and Argentina.

So S/H is USA, then everyone else.

You can bla bla bla about my comments but I won't change my view. It costs a lot more to send things to Russia/Qatar/etc…than Canada.


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