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Nick Roach

Hi Bob,

Email is the most effective way for us to communicate with our customers in a situation like this, and it’s also the best way for us to facilitation post-disclosure support and updated assistance on an individual basis. Unlike LinuxMint, which is a free product, we have the contact info of all our users, which is why we took this route. In this case we used the email itself as our public disclosure, publicizing it on MailChimp and linking to it directly in our changelogs so that the info could be shared.

We didn’t just send one email. We are continuing to use our MailChimp open rate stats to re-send the disclosure to anyone who didn’t open the first one, and we will keep doing so until we help as many people upgrade as possible. We are working hard to keep everyone safe.

I understand your point though, and perhaps a followup blog post is warranted. We prioritized email in this case.


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