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Michael Musgrove

This is a mangerial decision, which people that spend their time solely in development would obviously be irritated with. Matt has a duty, not to mention vested interest, to protect core, which he’s doing by taking a conservative stance.

Is it the right decision? It’s a tough call. Personally, I’d allow it because the benefits and rewards could vastly end up outweighting the negatives, which would be that the thing blow up and either quick patches have to be made or some “plan B” that developers with bigger brains than I have can have ready to implement if necessary, which would be the smart thing to do. By not allowing it, it opens up opportunities for competing CMSs that are willing to take some risks, show faith in their colleagues and embrace progress vs. safety. And pisses a lot of people off that are vital to the success of (open-source) WordPress.


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