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Kevinjohn Gallagher


I can understand the confusion, but I don’t get why people don’t just ask.

Been asking for at least 2 years mate :)
And in fairness, been getting answers for years too :)

Who knows, maybe you could persuade them to allow smaller nations to use regional names

We asked, We Can’t.
Country then City.
Thems the rules.
And Automattic think that UK is a country.

If I may stress, Jane has been supportive as she could be with rather inflexible rules :)

@Tony Scott

the question of the name of the event, which that year was WordCamp UK 2010, nor of future UK WP events, was not raised by the organisers, since we did not know at the time there was any issues relating to the name of such events. The name issue was raised by Jane during the last open session

That may well be Tony, but it was raised by others.

We raised it with WordCampCentral almost 20 months ago after feeling a little fragmented/separated due to the “UK” event not exactly catering for those out-with England.

Surely this year’s exceptionally low attendance even WITH moving the “UK” event to the South East of England to attempt to attract more Londoners ( but 200 miles further SE than the previous year – away from Ireland, Scotland and Wales); has proved that simply calling something by a catch-all name does not mean that it caters to the needs of the many.

The effort the organisers of WordCampUK put in has never been in doubt; but 4 English guys from England, living in England, organising an event with no direct flights/trains/buses to any city outside of England does not “UK” make.

@donnacha of WordSkill

If WordCampUK is in Scotland in July2012, I’ll personally pay for the top sponsorship; because it’s not going to happen. The Turkeys are not going to vote for Christmas.

With multiple WordUps, and Open Source Scotland (featuring: Andrew Nacin, Joost De Valk, Rasmus Leerdorf to name 3) I personally don’t think that the current set up of WordCampUK actually meets our needs any more (if ever).

I know @Martin and @Taryn are huge fans of the WordCampUK organisers, and have felt no slight with this years fiasco (my small dealings with them have proven them to be lovely people) – but the last 3 years of oval peg being assimilated into a round hole simply to comply with a naming convention designed to meet an external model is too much for this WordPress fan.


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