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Gabriel Livan

@Tai, thanks for the comment.

I usually develop the plugins with WP_DEBUG true, though on this occasion I’ve noticed that it was turned off. There were some notice errors I’ve seen and they will be removed on the next version of the plugin. Good catch!

In terms of functionalities to disable WordPress core scripts: imagine a clean and light page where no jQuery is needed at all or other scripts loaded by WordPress.

Why would you not remove it if you really know what you’re doing? jQuery and jQuery Migrate are both fairly big JS files. I know, you’re probably thinking that people by mistake can select it. But thinking this way, many mistakes can be done in the WordPress Dashboard if one is not paying attention to what he/she is doing.

What I believe would be good is to highlight the WordPress core scripts in the list and to issue a warning to the admin about the possible consequences if that script would be disabled. As a developer, I prefer to have the option to remove any script I want if I don’t need it.

It’s a good point overall. What do you think about the plugin? Have you tried it on a few pages?


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