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Julian Suvarez

Ultimately WordCamp Central falls under the umbrella of the WordPress Foundation, not Automattic. The Foundation is run by Matt. Just like with everything involving WordPress the buck stops with him. So any rules being implemented are being done so with his blessing.

What i’d like to know is how can a group of people that are supposedly so intelligent constantly make the same mistake in how they handle things?

Do they honestly not realize when they implement a rule that restricts what others can do or changes how things have been done up til now in the community that it’s going to bring with it some sort of negative reaction?

I see people that are mentioned frequently by name due to the fact they were involved in the decision complaining about the drama and the personal attacks. I’m sorry, but when you implement a controversial decision A) don’t be surprised that people are going to react negatively and B) don’t be surprised when they mention you by name considering you are the one involved in the decision making process.

What i’d like to know is why aren’t they expecting negative reactions to these types of decisions and taking steps to limit these type of reactions by being more transparent AND official in how they announce rules for both WordCamp Central and

Instead of complaining about personal attacks on certain individuals, maybe the leader of the WordPress Foundation should step up and deliver any news they think may be controversial or bring about a negative reaction himself. That is what a leader does. A leader doesn’t put those that he leads in this position.

They bring this on themselves. The solution is pretty simple. You outline a big part of it in your post. The other part of it is Matt himself should step up, be a leader and deliver any news that could potentially be controversial himself rather than using his underlings as a shield for the negative reaction.


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