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mark k.

Look who is talking about entitlement, just because you work hard to write code do not entitle you to make a profit of it.

As what you want is a license which is GPL with additional conditions is basically not a GPL anymore. – and you should not call it that. Now you are trying to split hairs and pretend to be a lawyer by saying “but it is not written in the license but at some other place”. I am not a lawyer but even if it is somehow compatible to GPL by the letter it sounds like a false advertisement. If you advertise your themes to be GPL compliant then the layman can assume it is follows all GPL principal especially that there is no “punishment” for distributing the code.
Oh, actually section 7 of the GPLv3 explicitly lists the possible additional conditions and denying support is not one of them.

> I get to determine the terms under which you receive my products

Yes and you, out of your own free will, have decided to use GPL if you don’t like its implications just don’t use it. If you do use it then you are legally obliged to follow it by the letter.

Personally I hate GPL as it is an abomination constructed by lawyers which only lawyers can truly understand. It actually restricts the freedoms developers have, but if you have decided to play that game you have to play by its rules and not invent your own, at least not without a very good lawyer that will be committed to represent you in court against the full might of the FSF if you will get sued. In general any lawyery advice you get from a lawyer which you don’t pay for, is not worth the cost of the bandwidth you used to read it.


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