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Took me a few seconds to realize how to edit the snippet. Much of the time I won’t watch instruction videos for the same reason I skip podcasts and automated tutorials: I like to dive straight in and prefer facts over clutter (though my own writing doesn’t adhere to my own preferences).

I do have a tutorial suggestion:

1) The first time someone scrolls to the new Yoast SEO fields of a page or post in the editor screen, show a few graphical arrows with bullet point instructions.

2) Add an info tab to the SEO options so that people can read brief bullet pointed documentation about the SEO fields.

3) Add an option in WordPress SEO’s settings to disable the info tab.

I like the new design. Took me a few years to decide that WordPress SEO is the best SEO plugin for me, my clients and my readers. I still believe WordPress SEO is the best option.

The gang-up-and-join-the-critics-mentality is a sad part of life that all creatives and developers experience at some point. I think hysteria is the big driving force behind that mentality.

It is not your fault if people can’t be bothered to read change logs. It’s not your fault if people feel irritated by the issue of multiple bug fixes through multiple plugin updates released in quick succession. I prefer to have the bug fixes; I don’t care how many plugin updates are involved so long as they are released.

Thank you Joost and team. You’ve helped many people over the years. Many of us do appreciate you.


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