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Yes those sites owners disable sharing on facebook and indexing by goole

I didn’t know a quiet town in northern England was involved in indexing. But it makes about as much sense as your comment. What organizations or research groups want their intranets indexed, for goodness’ sake?

The “many” are just the tavern trolls, that like to troll but never to actually participate in anyway in the development, and in open source if you do not participate in the development then you just don’t count.

That’s quite possibly the silliest thing I’ve seen written on WP Tavern over the course of this year — and there has been some competition. Either you haven’t been following the discussions, or you’ve just written off all the developers who have been regularly criticizing these accretions of code crud.

Perhaps you should take note of your own previous words: resorting to ad hominem just shows how weak are your arguments.


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