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mark k.

For one iframing – it’s lazy and can be used in malicious ways both by the hosting site and the iframer.. aside from the non-sandbox things which is a nice add-in to the mix, for one it does me no good, and a lot of bad actually if someone in mongolia iframes –

Everyone can iframe your site. The Oembed feature do not change this in any real way. It will actually continue to be easier to write an iframe then install an Oembed client and learn how to use it just in order to embed your site.
If you don’t like it, it should be easy to block it by checking the referer. Which of course brings on the similarities between this and image hot linking which I am not sure how many people view it as a real problem although it also wastes CPU and bandwidth.

They get to view my – I don’t get a chance to serve an ad or extra info with that content.

Why do you have the impression that you will not be able to add an ad to it? I havn’t looked at the code yet but I am sure it obeys all wordpress development patterns including filtering the content tht will be displayed.
The fear of ads sent from the Oembed server will probably be a reason why people will not embed content from random sites.

Is this a problem for everyone? No

Which I think is the point of the discussion. If the likelihood of this feature hurting more then helping then it just should not be at core at all. If there are 5% of wordpress sites that will want to turn it off, then there is no reason to clutter the admin UI of the 95% with options they will not understand and will never turn off. For the affected 5% it is not that hard to install a plugin.
When you power 20%+ of the internet sites it is just impossible to make everybody happy all the time and someone needs to make the call who is preferred over whom. With the wordpress “no options” design philosophy it is not a surprise there is no option to turn it off and there is really no point in asking for one as it will be the same as asking the feature to not be included in core at all which is ok to ask, but the people that oppose it should have raised their voice a month ago when there was the merge proposal, now deep into beta it is too late.


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