PressCastle Aims to Put Every WordPress Theme in One Place

PressCastle launched this month with an ambitious goal: to put every WordPress theme in one place. The site currently has more than 13,000 themes that are categorized and searchable. The themes were collected from more than 250 sites and represent 400+ theme authors.

If you visit the Themes section of the site you can filter themes based on price, layout, framework and genre with subcategories for each. PressCastle is in the process of adding filters to the themes to specify compatibility with multisite, BuddyPress, bbPress, Jigoshop and other commonly used plugins.


The site is using affiliate links on the themes to help fund the efforts required for indexing this massive library. The launch post claims that they now have the largest and most up to date index of WordPress themes on the web. They plan to update it with new theme releases and remove discontinued items along the way.

I entered a few common search terms related to WordPress themes and found that the search engine was quite accurate in returning relevant information. Although, from a consumer standpoint, I have a difficult time connecting with the whole medieval castle theme they’ve got running, I can see the utility in the indexing and searching capabilities PressCastle provides. But does it solve a real problem?

Are WordPress Theme Indexing Sites a Fad?

The fact that themes are scattered throughout hundreds of websites can make it difficult to locate one that you want to use. PressCastle is trying to provide a solution for this. Theme Friendly is another site that recently launched with a similar goal of helping users find the perfect WordPress theme. While Theme Friendly has a different angle in that it provides reviews on the quality of themes, the work is similarly powered by affiliate links. Only time will tell whether affiliate commissions will be adequate compensation for the amount of effort required to keep these indexes current.

Theme indexing sites seem to be popping up quite frequently these days, all of them vying to capitalize on the high demand for WordPress themes and the difficulty users have when searching. The question remains – will any of these sites actually take off and gain a following? In many cases their efforts seem to be duplicating the results a user might find with a reasonably formed search engine query. So I put the question to you: Are you likely to visit a WordPress theme indexing site when shopping for your next theme?



15 responses to “PressCastle Aims to Put Every WordPress Theme in One Place”

    • Uhm, aren’t all businesses set up to earn money? Whether it’s affiliate money or easy money is pretty irrelevant, what’s relevant is does it provide people real value?

      Having said that, the current format falls a bit short because it doesn’t add a lot of information apart from some very broad categorization. It’s only the size that makes it interesting right now.

      If the affiliate model was working really well, there would be a very popular theme indexer site by now and we sure as hell have seen plenty of those and they all seem to go out of date.

      I’d really like to see a theme finder type site succeed though because finding a theme can be a pain.

  1. There are already thousands and thousands of WordPress themes on net and the industry is growing widely. I believe they are looking into the affiliate commission from that site. Though it’s a nice idea, I wouldn’t think PressCastle will succeed in listing all the themes and will earn money from it.

  2. I only work with the Genesis Framework, and I stick to their oficial themes, so I have no problem in finding themes. :)

    Having said this, I prefer a curated selection of themes with a good review of the code quality to another listings website with thousands of them.

  3. I very much appreciate the the mention here Sarah.

    Our goal at Press Castle is to provide the most up to date index. We know it’s not 100% yet which is why we’re in Beta and working through our processes to make it more and more accurate. We still have a ways to go, but we think we can have something really excellent in a few months.

    To those who think the site is unhelpful, has broken themes, etc. we take your feedback very seriously and would love for you to contact us with any specifics so that we can make adjustments.

    Thank you again Sarah and WP Tavern for featuring us, and thank you to everyone for your comments so far. We look forward to continuing to provide the most up to date index of themes on the net!

  4. I would think that its usefulness and integrity will depend upon where the money comes from. If they end up taking money from specific sites to highlight their themes over another site’s themes, then so much for integrity and it becomes no more or or less useful than a timely google search.

  5. Would I visit a theme indexing site? If it earns my confidence by reviewing the themes (both initially and after updates – especially if the theme changes ownership), publishing their review standards, and providing us reason to believe that they are not favoring a particular theme shop or otherwise showing bias, then yes. Of course, the use of affiliate links could be construed as bias, but reviews – and just finding the themes – takes time and commitment, so money does have to come from somewhere.

    Basically, if I can be assured that I (and, more importantly, novice users) will get better results than a “free WordPress themes” Google search, then it’s already worth something. But I do tend to take any index with a grain of salt and wonder where the loyalties lie.

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