From Six Figures To Ten Bucks

With such head-starts, the five figure medium-sized website cost quickly becomes four. The four figure small business website cost becomes three. The home-grown sideline business goes from three figures to two (many premium WordPress themes designs are available for only $50). You can even get a WordPress website on their sister site for free. Buy a domain name for it and you’re in business for just $10.

To the short-sighted web developer or designer it’s the end of days. To the business owner it should be the start of getting the website they always thought they were going to get, but never quite did, for a price they can justify, and that everyone can use. via – WordPress The Quiet Revolution



11 responses to “From Six Figures To Ten Bucks”

  1. Definitely not the end of days for web developers and designers. People are just getting their feet wet with what the internet can accomplish for them and their businesses. There will always be a need and demand for customization beyond what custom drag-and-drop type themes/frameworks can accomplish.

  2. “To the business owner it should be the start of getting the website they always thought they were going to get, but never quite did, for a price they can justify, and that everyone can use”

    ROFL – if it was that simple they would have done it long ago. Price is not the limiting factor! Knowledge, expertise and actually taking the time to do it means that things will stay pretty much the same for the vast majority of businesses.

    Having a web site and having an effective web site are two very different things. The content on your web site and the way it is written is more important than the design.

  3. Traditional HTML coders are losing their business. But people who know how to modify and support WP are in business. Designers should focus on custom themes and marketing their own WP themes.

    The WP DIY model is great and it has helped millions of people and small businesses get a site up and running. But, if you want to do anything other than blog or have a brochure site, you’ll probably need a geek to upgrade your site.

    The model is changing, yes. But, there are new opportunities every time the model changes.

  4. Think about the Gold Rush. Entrepreneurs who really made the money were the ones that sold the pans, picks and shovels.

    We’ll still have a need for people to fill the sites with “content” be that marketing, fiction, or other types of prose. I’m still reasonably certain those of us who can communicate well in the King’s English will still be able to make a living through the written word.

    See you on the high ground!


  5. Well yes an no and here is why. Smart developer already knows this for at least couple of years (yes it’s even more than that, I was being nice) and you could make the same amount if not more with Themes as well. This will affect only people who don’t know more than just HTML and anyone who’s not in CMS game. Very simple math :)

    Profit for some is reduced true, but time to make sites as well. Why would anyone start anything from scratch when there are so many free Themes and Frameworks out there? In my opinion if you reduce time you are actually making more money. Think about it.


  6. One thing that I’ve noticed is that some people are using WordPress as a complete CMS. I joined a business venture once and the training site looked awesome! It was a full-featured website that rivaled some of the most high-end sites out there as far as overall design and feel. The training blog was hosted on a sub-domain, so there was actually no blog directly on that site. It turns out that the owner actually built the whole thing using WordPress.

    I asked him how he did it and he gave me a list of the plug-ins and extras he used (both free and paid). He even confided that he didn’t know an html tag from a dog tag!

    He never outsourced anything and he saved a ton of money in the long run. I really learned a lot from him and I now use WordPress almost exclusively for my websites and blogs. And adding content couldn’t be easier.

  7. Well some people still use terms like coders and programmers. I used the word programmer in a group of what I would consider “code geeks” and there was an audible “gasp” – everyone wants to be known as a designer. Ok, fine. but in my mind you have lumped yourself with graphic designers that make WordPress sites too and that takes away from your skills. I guess each generation has their words to define who and what they are.

    Like Kurt says, when the model changes, there is opportunity. As we all sort out our positions in this industry the winner will surely be the small business owner because now they will have reasonable choices – and hopefully with WordPress they gain control back over their own site.

  8. Sorry, but you’re going to need more than $10 to run a business site on If you don’t hand over an extra $30 for the no-ads upgrade, then a significant proportion of your visitors are going to see your site plastered with tacky animated ads, quite possibly for your competitors. Not such a great choice if you want your site to have a semblance of professionalism.


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