WPMU 2.9.1 The Last Version Of MU?

WordPress MU version 2.9.1 has been released to the public. This means that features such as the trash can, image editor, and bulk plugin upgrades can be used in WordPressMU. Before you upgrade though, be sure to read this IMPORTANT post regarding adding the commentmeta table to your install.

However, I can’t help but wonder if for Donncha this release is bittersweet as barring any security problems, this is most likely the last release of the software known for a few years as WordPress MU. The merge has already started and should be completed by the time WordPress 3.0 rolls around. From that point forward, the MU features will be known as Multi-Site in WordPress. Donncha ends the release post with the following:

Thank you to everyone who has helped make WordPress MU better over the years, either by helping on the forums, writing plugins, contributing code, working on Trac tickets or any of the other hundred and one other things that go into an open source project.

I’m guessing that Donncha will continue to play an active role on the Multi-Site capabilities of WordPress but he’ll have to let us know for sure. Congrats Donncha for sticking it out for as long as you did. I hope this merge provides you with a renewed sense of energy to continue development.

Figures. Soon after this post was published, Donncha released WordPress which can be found here. This release contains some important bug fixes, including a bug in the installer that has existed for quite some time.


11 responses to “WPMU 2.9.1 The Last Version Of MU?”

  1. He did a good job most of the time, though I surely won’t miss digging through Donncha’s bizarre, boring blog looking for information about WordPress MU.
    (Yes you could subscribe to the WordPress MU category in the last year or so, but for a while that was actually impossible because he was using that terrible Feedsmith plugin so the category feed would frustratingly redirect to the whole blog.)

  2. Listen, I used the wrong words–it’s just that I don’t know about a lot of the stuff–I meant confusing, because you’re obviously a smart guy and you blog about specific Ireland and EU issues a lot, and I find those EU politics bizarre, just in general. I hope you don’t feel insulted.

  3. You could forgive him for feelling a little instulted Dan.

    You’ve just said to one of the biggest contributors to WPMu over the years that his blog is boring and bizarre. Someone who has pulled out all the stops to make sure that Mu continues to improve and be practical foro all of us – his Domain Mapping plugin as just one example.

    Donncha, your efforts are hugely appreciated and I hope to continue to see your influence in the MS features of 3.0

  4. You’re piling on pretty late here (5 days)–I think I made it clear above: I used the wrong words (I was referencing the subject matter, not the writing or reasoning quality of his blog, but I should have been more clear); and I think Donncha is a very smart guy.
    I showed him the respect he deserves by quickly explaining my error; you on the other hand don’t deserve any respect; you’re trying to turn this into a row for no reason. Why are you trying to get involved when this has nothing to do with you?

  5. No, you’re right, I don’t deserve any respect at all. I’ve not achieved a fraction of anything Donncha has – or anyone else on this site.

    Equally, neither was I attempting to start a row – that was not my intention.

    I just feel that rather than draw attention *any* area of his blog, his writing, or his subject matter that you didn’t like, it would have been more measured and appropriate to have simply looked at what Donncha has achieved for us, the community, and praise that.

    I don’t think Donncha needs me to defend him here, so I’ll stop and let his work do the talking. But it was nice of you to acknowledge that he did “a good job most of the time”

    I hope a delay of three days is ok for you.

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