WP Updates Settings: An Admin UI For Configuring WordPress Updates


One of the most exciting features in WordPress 3.7 was the ability for WordPress to stay up to date through automatic background updates. However, WordPress provides no easy way to change your update settings in the admin. Update settings require manual configuration in your wp-config.php file.

WP Updates Settings is a new plugin released today, just in time for users to experiment using it with the upcoming WordPress 3.8.1 release. It provides a user interface for configuring update settings within the WordPress admin at Settings >> Updates.


The WP Updates Settings plugin includes a comprehensive list of update options, including translation files, as well as a few other extras such as contextual help:

  • Show/hide Updates notification
  • Use default WordPress behaviors
  • Enable/Disable Updates capabilities to Administrator users
  • Set Major Core Automatic Background Updates
  • Set Minor Core Automatic Background Updates
  • Set Plugin Automatic Background Updates
  • Set Theme Automatic Background Updates
  • Set Translation files Automatic Background Updates
  • Contextual Help
  • Translation MO/PO files
  • Clean uninstall

This plugin provides a good option for WordPress users who want to change some extra settings, such as adding in automatic theme updates, but are intimidated by editing the wp-config.php file.

If you try the plugin for awhile but want to uninstall it later, the default update settings are restored (core updates for minor versions). I’ve got it installed on a WordPress site to fully test whether my update settings are correctly recorded and implemented when WordPress 3.8.1 is released. I’ll report back here when it is complete.

WP Updates Settings is the first plugin to provide a comprehensive UI for the most common selections users would otherwise define in wp-config.php. Download it for free from the WordPress plugin repository.


11 responses to “WP Updates Settings: An Admin UI For Configuring WordPress Updates”

  1. You are right, though that was unimportant to my WP sites. But I should also suggest that you might write also about the big changes in how wordpress.com his making multiple site management so much easier. I fired ManageWP recently because of it. Since WP auto updates, and wordpress.com does so much more, I am saving $500 a month just in not using ManageWP – as McDonald’s says “I’m Lovin It”!

    The main reason I like AAU better is older plugin, very well maintained and updated. I shy away from fresh release plugins unless I am forced. Plus it simply did what I needed.

  2. Hello I’m the author of this plugin. It was removed by WordPress.org because the policy of WordPress not allowed “updates plugin”. WordPress send me this mail today : “I’m writing this to inform you that the policy on plugins that modify the update process has been changed.”.The plugin is back !


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