WP AJax Edit Comments Needs New Dev

Ronald Huereca whom I thought fell off the earth contacted me via email the other day to let me know that he has ceased development of the awesome WP Ajax Edit Comments plugin. Development has ceased so that Ronald can concentrate on other projects.

So with that in mind, Ronald wants to know if anyone is interested in taking over development for this plugin. Ronald says he’ll help the new plugin author with the transition by answering questions via skype or email.

WP Ajax Edit Comments:
WP Ajax Edit Comments allows users and admins to edit comments on a post. Users can edit their own comments for a limited time, while admins can edit all comments. In a future version of the plugin, the blog admin can now easily de-link the URL field from the comment.

I’ve been a big fan of this plugin ever since its inception. It was cool when it was released because it worked just like the Digg comment editor and provided an easy way for commenters to edit their own comments within a certain amount of time rather than indefinitely. I’m sad to see the plugin go but thanks to it being GPL compatible, anyone can easily fork it or take over development which I hope someone does.

If you’re interested in taking over development, say so in the comments and I’ll forward the information over to Ronald.


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