WordPress Power Menus Plugin: Limit Access to Pages and Posts


Power Menus is a new WordPress plugin designed to make it simple to control menu items. The plugin handles both access and visibility on individual menu items and includes the following options:

  • Control visibility of menu items for logged-in or non-logged-in users
  • Show or hide items per user role
  • Limit access to posts and pages
  • Redirect users without required access permissions to a chosen page

Once the plugin is installed, all of the options are found under Appearance > Menus. Here you can set the secure page that visitors will be redirected to when they do not have access. If you don’t set the secure page, the default behavior is that the menu item will be hidden but direct access to the URL will still be available.

Power Menus makes it convenient to provide selective access to published content. Although WordPress already has a built-in password-protected visibility option for content, the feature can be cumbersome since you have to provide passwords and the URL to those permitted to access it. With Power Menus enabled, you can include the post/page in your menu and control its visibility based on whether or not a user is logged in or based on user role.


I tested Power Menus and found the plugin to be very easy and intuitive to use. This is one that you may want to add to your plugin favorites, as it’s one of those handy tools you’ll probably need from time to time. Download Power Menus for free from WordPress.org.


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