WordPress for iOS 4.8 Released, Adds Visual Editor

WordPress for iOS 4.8 is available on the app store and includes a few notable features. The app now sports a visual editor providing a what you see is what you get experience. Prior to 4.8, the editor was stuck in HTML mode making it hard to read and write content.

The editor contains the most commonly used formatting tools and just like the desktop version of WordPress, includes a toggle to switch between HTML and Visual editing mode. There’s also an image size selector where you can choose between Thumbnail, Medium, Large, or Full-size.

Although I struggled with adding block quotes, the visual editor is a nice departure from HTML mode. I find it convenient to format content as I’m writing versus when the post is completed. Overall, 4.8 is a nice release and I think users are going to enjoy the new visual editor. After you upgrade to 4.8, let us know what you think in the comments.


4 responses to “WordPress for iOS 4.8 Released, Adds Visual Editor”

  1. I’ve actually been wanting this FOREVER on the Android side. It’s very hard to be able to create a post and even worse to be able to edit one unless you’re an html guru with a special keyboard with access to the additional keys needed. I think it’s much easier to create on the visual side then fix errors on the html side because of this.

    So far it’s meant that the web version has been better since it’s been made responsive but still has some issues when using touch screens, plus you must be connected to the internet at all times. If the visual editor comes to the Android side it will be very helpful when disconnected from the internet and then syncing back up. Always good to have more options instead of less.

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