Wes Bos Launches Free React.js + Redux Online Course


Wes Bos, a developer and educator known for his high quality video tutorials, has just launched a free online course for building JavaScript apps with React.js and Redux. The 2.5 hour Learn Redux course includes 20 videos that guide developers through building an example ‘Reduxstagram’ app to present the core ideas behind Redux.

To get the most out of Learn Redux, students should have a decent foundation of React and ES6. Bos recommends those who are not comfortable with React to start with his React for Beginners course.

After you sign up, you’ll receive an email with a link to the starter files and access to the videos. The example app uses Webpack to bundle ES6 modules into a single JavaScript file, so the course begins with a video on using NPM and Webpack to set up a local development environment. Learn Redux includes:

  • Access to all 20 videos
  • All starter files
  • Webpack Build Templates
  • Stepped and finished solutions

Bos spent more than 100 hours producing this series in partnership with Sentry as a sponsor. Anyone who signs up receives a $50 Sentry credit.

After Calypso was announced, Bos, who describes himself as “a huge WordPress fan,” wrote a post dispelling rumors that WordPress was ditching PHP and being rewritten in Node.js. He also urged WordPress developers to learn JavaScript.

“This is thunder in the distance as to what is to come in WordPress,” Bos said. “Much of the theme writing I do is already in JavaScript – I often use WordPress as just an API to get data out of, and then use frameworks like Angular, React, Google Maps or jQuery to display that data. I’m not building an entire website in a JavaScript framework, but much of the interactive view layer of these sites is moving into JavaScript frameworks.”

If you want to be ready to dive into the next generation of WordPress site and application development with knowledge of one of the most popular JS frameworks, the free Learn Redux course offers all the tools necessary for getting started with React.js, Redux, and React Router.

“Our trusty PHP template files aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts you’ll be writing a lot more JavaScript in your WordPress sites in the years to come,” Bos said.


2 responses to “Wes Bos Launches Free React.js + Redux Online Course”

  1. I’ll chime in and second Sarah’s endorsement: Wes puts out good stuff. I’ve benefited from his Sublime Text Power User e-book and I’m currently working through his React for Beginners tutorials. I’m looking forward to completing Learn Redux soon. His content makes for some excellent professional development days in my office.


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