Quick Update On My Where Abouts

Just wanted to provide a quick update on what’s been going on. To make a long story short, going back to 35+ hours at the store from 4am to 12pm is taking it’s toll on me. On the side, I’ve been trying my best to put up at least one post a day on weblogtoolscollection.com as part of my second job but even that is proving to be difficult. WordPress stuff is hard for me to get into recently, especially as it relates to the wordpress weekly podcast. I don’t plan on abandoning the show or this website but work on it with regards to postings and such may be far and few between for the rest of this year. So, I have three jobs that I’m working and it doesn’t take long to feel like crap everyday, especially when good sleep is hard to come by. This all sucks because I’d love to get back to what I’ve been doing for the past few months but money dictates I do other things.

I have an interesting idea for a site redesign/rearrangement that falls in place with my idea of what the wordpress.org portal should be like. Wptavern will be my testbed for this idea to see how it pans out. No word yet on when it will be finished but I’m excited about it.

Looking forward to wordcamp NewYork next week which will be a welcome relief. That’s all on this front, hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


3 responses to “Quick Update On My Where Abouts”

  1. I know how you feel, I’ve been buried in work too lately. Never have enough time to contribute and participate in the community as much as I’d like to or work on any of those personal projects.

    I don’t envy your early mornings one bit, but it sure makes 7am sound a lot better to me!

    Thanks for all your hard work Jeffro, looking forward to seeing the redesign and hearing about WordCamp New York.

  2. Jeff,

    It’s often difficult to separate between what we must do, and what we love to do. Your commitment and honesty to the community is commendable. You have done so much for the WP Community and if there is any thing we can do, just yell. God’s speed and hope to continue to see your great work once things stabilize for you. Thanks for the posting.

  3. Hey Jeffro!

    You ARE a glutton for punishment! I think if you took one of your famous polls – lol – you’d learn that most, if not all, of us that visit the Tavern from time to time think it’s current design is “just fine” …bordering on terrific!. I realize that site/theme tinkering is probably the single biggest part of WordPress that interests you, but please don’t break “our” Tavern!

    It’s a shame you haven’t been able to find a co-host matching your level of energy and enthusiasm. Such a person might have been able to shoulder some of the many podcast duties. I listen to podcasts continuously throughout the work-day here “on the farm” and it’s always a good day when I see on my Nano’s screen that you’ve uploaded a new show. I especially enjoy when you interview theme and plugin authors.

    I really wish I could be in the Big Apple this weekend!


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