Next Version Of Jetpack Will Fix The Stats Dashboard Widget

Jetpack Stats Not Working

One of the most popular modules used within Jetpack is Stats. This module replaces the stand-alone plugin formerly known as Stats. Unfortunately, the most recent update to Jetpack has temporarily broken the Stats dashboard widget. I’ve routinely seen the error message that is shown in the image above but I thought nothing of it. That is until I reviewed the support forum for Jetpack and noticed a thread dedicated to the Stats widget.

According to Jeremy Herve, a developer for team Jetpack, you can still access your stats by browsing to Jetpack > Site Stats. You just can’t view them from the dashboard. There is a block of code that you can use to fix the problem if you’re impatient. For most users however, I recommend waiting as Jeremy assures us that this will be fixed in the next version.


3 responses to “Next Version Of Jetpack Will Fix The Stats Dashboard Widget”

  1. For the curious, the issue was initially caused by r814049-plugins on December 2nd, and resolved less than two days later (in trunk) as r814959-plugins.

    Unfortunately, the first changeset (which should have been harmless — I’m still not quite sure why it glitched) squeaked out on December 3rd with the point release. We caught and resolved it the next day, but as we were already going into beta for our Jetpack 2.7 release and as it was merely a cosmetic issue (rather than a fatal error bringing down anyone’s site or a potential security hole), decided to let the fix ride a week until the public release of Jetpack 2.7.

    For anyone eager to get it resolved sooner, rather than modify the file by hand, just download and replace your ~/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php file with that version.


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