JavaScript Books Next to WordPress Books

During Matt Mullenweg’s State of The Word presentation at WordCamp US, he said everyone in the community should make an effort to learn JavaScript deeply.

I visited Barnes and Noble today and discovered that some books are heeding Mullenweg’s call and are doing their part to encourage people to learn JavaScript in addition to WordPress.

That’s quite an influence he has.


7 responses to “JavaScript Books Next to WordPress Books”

  1. I have being working with HTML/CSS/WordPress for years and now need to take the plunge and further my knowledge.

    Any suggestions on on which book to get for a total Javascript virgin? It’s probably old fashioned, but I would rather have a book beside to read/learn from/revert to rather than an online book.

  2. That’s quite an influence he has.

    TBH, the popularity of JavaScript has nothing to do with Matt and his speech. Instead, I think he was inspired by the increasing popularity of JavaScript and various JavaScript frameworks.

    In addition, it might be a coincidence that WordPress books are placed next to JavaScript books, especially in B&N, they usually put all computer and programming books together or closely, and there is no specific categorization.


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