How To Become A Top WordPress Professional

Siobhan McKeown who I’ve noticed has made a name for herself within the WordPress community over the past two years has published an excellent guide with all sorts of tips on how to become one of the top WordPress professionals. While she nails it on multiple levels, I have a tip or two of my own. First, it’s WordPress with a capital P, dangit. Secondly, make sure you use the correct WordPress logo or else you’ll look stupid within the WordPress community and serious players will fail to take you seriously. Last but not least, do not use the word WordPress within the domain name. For example, This is considered trademark infringement and is another way for no one within the WordPress community to take you seriously.


11 responses to “How To Become A Top WordPress Professional”

  1. I didn’t notice a “faux-go” or WordPress misspelled (as WordPress) so I’m wondering if you were talking about another article. Also pretty sure that all the domains that had “wordpress” in the URL were official WordPress sites.

    Did I miss something? I thought it was a good article.

  2. I’ve had numerous people apply to me for paid work. As soon as someone refers to themselves as a “WordPress expert” they are very quickly ignored. If you can’t even spell the name of the software you claim to be an expert of, then you are most definitely not an expert.

  3. Thanks for linking to my article! I think that getting the things right that you mention are important.

    I actually use those as an indicator of whether someone knows their WordPress or not. If they spell WordPress with a lowercase P, have a fauxgo, or violate the trademark, then I know that they don’t know all that much about WordPress. It’s quite a good filtering mechanism.

  4. It doesn’t matter to me at all if the letter should be in uppercase or not. As an internet surfer, my concern is as always whether the blog or article gave me good information. spelling does not matter even as long as the message can cut across.

    Just my two cents. Thanks and more power to you Siobhan.

  5. Maybe if the capital P filter was removed from core it would make judging people based on their observance of CamelCase that bit easier. For example, I can’t tell from Ryan’s comment whether he despises people for their adherence to branding over spelling and grammar conventions, or whether your software has in fact stripped his comment of all meaning ;)

  6. Every one has to start somewhere. The whole wonderful idea of the internet is that there is enough for everyone and there is no need to judge others by their ‘spelling capabilities’ or any other capabilities, for that matter. Although, from a professional perspective, poor spelling is immediately noticeable, I don’t think that deciding an individual is stupid because of a “P” error is emotionally mature nor indicative of a professional organization. As a person who loves to share what I know with others, I suggest that a gentle nudge in the right direction with a little help is more appropriate than branding someone ‘stupid’. Just a thought. Warmly, Susan

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