Help Jane Buy A Bakery

Looks like Jane Wells is in the unique position to potentially purchase a bakery located in Tybee, Georgia. Imagine a location where you could go eat delicious WordPress inspired bakery items with free WiFi. Seems like a good idea to me. If you are familiar with Kickstarter, keep an eye on the following website, as you’ll soon be able to help Jane crowdfund the down payment.


One response to “Help Jane Buy A Bakery”

  1. Jane consciously & deliberately highlights that the daily baking chores will give her an ‘enforced’ breather from her official duties in cyberspace.

    It’s common for many who are either professionally engaged with computers, or who are making high levels of personal, unrecognized effort to learn & create, to slip into the habit of spending too little time in the real world, doing real things.

    Jane offers a good example for all, to keep one foot on solid earth … to develop one of our ‘humble’ interests & connections, and give a piece of ourselves to it. Good on her.


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