Easily Edit a Post or Page Using The Slash Edit Plugin

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If you’re not a fan of the admin bar or it’s disabled and you want a shortcut to edit posts in WordPress, you might be interested in a new plugin called Slash Edit. Developed by Ronald Huereca, Slash Edit adds the ability to edit the following items by adding /edit to the end of a url.

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Custom Post Types
  • Author and Taxonomy Archives

To load the appropriate editing interface, visit a post or page while logged into WordPress and add /edit to the end of the url. It can also be used as a shortcut to login to the backend of WordPress.

Huereca works in an environment where the admin bar is consistently disabled. He created the plugin to provide a convenient way to edit pages or posts without having to search for them in the backend. “I thought, wouldn’t it be cool to just add “/edit” to the end of a post or page and be redirected to the right place in the admin panel?”

Huereca doesn’t know what else could be added to the plugin to fulfill its basic purpose. “I’m not sure how much farther this plugin can go, but the WordPress community is ingenious as far as feature requests, so I’m eager to get feedback on the base feature set.” I tested the plugin on WordPress 4.0 and it works as advertised. To keep tabs on development, you can follow the project on Github.


10 responses to “Easily Edit a Post or Page Using The Slash Edit Plugin”

  1. Nice, but I don’t get, what exactly the full benefit of this should be. A lot of themes apply the ” ” which allows a logged in user to open the actual post in the editor with one click.
    This seems comfortable and achieves about the same, or not?

    Of course the Slash Edit functionality is theme independent.
    Probably that it works on author and taxonomy archives is another plus.


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