Dailybolt – It’s Like WordPress Planet For The Genesis Framework

If you have trouble keeping up with everything that’s happening in the Genesis WordPress community, you might be interested in a new site created by Andrea Whitmer called The Dailybolt. The Dailybolt publishes excerpts from sites that routinely write about the Genesis Framework by StudioPress. It’s powered by WordPress and uses the Whitespace Pro theme.

The Daily Bolt
The Daily Bolt

The site allows Whitmer to conveniently read material mostly devoted to Genesis without having to use social media or a Feedreader. “Yes, I know how RSS works, but I subscribe to a lot of blogs in several different niches. I kept thinking it would be awesome to have a way to access the latest Genesis tutorials or articles without hunting them down on social media or in my RSS reader,” Whitmer said.

I asked Whitmer if she plans to manually curate articles so the site contains more content dedicated to Genesis, “I created the site after polling my mailing list several months ago and they seemed interested in all the content coming from the community. So as of right now, I don’t plan to cull the other posts. However, I may remove some sites if they consistently publish articles about non-Genesis topics.”

You can subscribe to the site via RSS or email. Those who subscribe by email will receive a daily digest of headlines. Aside from being a cool domain, it’s a convenient way to keep tabs on the Genesis WordPress community which has become a cottage industry. Are there any sites you’d like to see added to The Dailybolt? Give us a link in the comments.


7 responses to “Dailybolt – It’s Like WordPress Planet For The Genesis Framework”

    • The choice of sites was more about the people behind them (active members of the Genesis community) than the fact that each specific post was always about Genesis. I assumed most people would be interested in anything related to WP, freelancing, and Genesis, though I’m definitely open to refining if necessary.

      For example, if Sridhar Katakam (who publishes more Genesis tutorials than anyone I know) publishes a post about the tools he uses for development, like he did yesterday, that’s still relevant to me even if it doesn’t mention Genesis specifically.

      • Understandable, but I guess my point is that if the site is meant for the community and specifically for Genesis news then it’s a little misleading. Don’t get me wrong… I subscribe to many of the sites as well. So I agree they’re valuable. But for a Genesis news site I’d expect to see only Genesis news.


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