Creating A Simpler Login URL

While most users of WordPress will know that to login to the back-end, you’ll need to visit /WP-Admin/ or wp-login.php, but what if you could change that to make it simpler to remember? WPBeginner has a small tutorial complete with a code snippet that you place within your .htaccess file that enables you to rewrite the WordPress Login URL into a custom URL. Telling clients to visit is a lot easier than that gobbily gook everyone has to deal with by default. Personally, I’ve just bookmarked the WP-Admin URL for my site and use that instead of remembering anything.


7 responses to “Creating A Simpler Login URL”

  1. Neat little trick although personally I still prefer my “BNS Login” plugin.

    Install and activate. Now whenever you are on your site you can simply press – to scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will find a link to the Dashboard (or to log in as the case may be).


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