Automattic Releases Desktop App for Windows

Automattic, the parent company of, has released a Windows version of its desktop application. The app is free and works well on my Windows 7 64Bit machine.

It looks and performs exactly the same as its Mac counterpart. This is to be expected as the interface is driven by JavaScript that communicates with the REST API.

WordPressWindowsDesktopApp Desktop App on Windows 7

It’s worth noting that the desktop apps don’t have as many features as the mobile apps. For example, you can’t moderate or manage comments. According to the development team, this is only the beginning and users can expect to see rapid iteration in the weeks to come.


15 responses to “Automattic Releases Desktop App for Windows”

  1. The app is free and works well on my Windows 7 64Bit machine.

    You are still using Windows 7? Maybe it’s time to upgrade to Windows 10.

    Can I use the desktop app to write posts for my self-hosted WP? Does it support source code formatting, such as Java, C#, JavaScript, etc.?

  2. Greetings earthlings.

    My spaceship has just landed.

    Where can I go to find out more about this WP Desktop App you speak about?

    Does it also make a good cup of tea?

    And can it be used to manage the automatic guidance system of our craft, which seems to be broken at the moment?

    Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz


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