WordPress.com Not Just For Blogging

startupgeeklogoIn a recent episode of WordPress Weekly, I discussed with Ryan Hellyer on why anyone would use WordPress.com for a serious blog or venture. In my opinion, if someone were serious about their project, they would get their own domain, hosting, etc and do it all themselves. However, I came across a post by StartupGeek.org which ended up explaining a cool idea on how to use WordPress.com to host a user guide.

I started looking into online help systems around the open source ecosystem. It seemed that everything I found was either overly complex or required time from my development & system administration team.

As my frustration level grew I realized that WordPress was a solution I could use. With WordPress.com I didn’t need technical help from my overloaded developer team. I didn’t need any training since I already know the application from blogging. And of course, the price is just right for a start-up company.

I think this was a great idea on the part of David Abramowski, one I wouldn’t have thought about myself since I consider WordPress.com to be all about blogging. Obviously, it’s not.


2 responses to “WordPress.com Not Just For Blogging”

  1. I really agree & look at WP (self-install and .com) as a web publishing platform / tool, not (just) a blogging software or “a blog”. You can really use it for any collection of information especially non-tabular text. Announce a single event. Write a user guide. Post your recipes. Document a season of a sports team, or maybe even a site celebrating 1 particular winning event. List all the movies you’ve seen, or review each one in a post. Publish the lyrics from your band’s new album (each song is a post). Set up a site giving tips on a particular narrow topic, like a How To for something you learned. WP.com can be really easy to set up a micro-website for any discrete topic, that maybe doesn’t fit inside your other blog(s), but just to stand on its own as a public website, a resource. It puts basic publishing ability in the hands of people almost as easy as email or posting on a forum, but your audience is potentially so much larger to reach the public & get into Google by setting up a WP for it, so that people can find your information when they wish to search for it, instead of the more limited number of people receiving the information through a push method like email or forum posting where it sinks away with time.

    Just some late thoughts. Good post topic Jeffro. I haven’t commented here on WP Tavern in a minute but I try to keep up with all the WP Weekly episodes & commend you on this work.

  2. A co-worker did some freelancing work before going full-time and that’s when all the work he did was over WordPress. They were entire websites that used only page articles and no post articles.

    Eventually, the hosting provider gave him a wizard that was easier to use for building a static website so he switched to it.


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