WordPress And How It Changed Content Management

WordPress did not create the concept of content management. Such systems have been around since before the internet was a twinkle in Tim Berners-Lee’s eye. But true innovation rarely effects the greatest change. WordPress took an existing concept, made it highly useable, and introduced it to the masses (free of charge).

Via ManageWP – How WordPress Changed Content Management


2 responses to “WordPress And How It Changed Content Management”

  1. WordPress has perfectly positioned itself as the best alternative to platforms more widely viewed as CMS. One has stunning designs, yet lacks support of big-name users. Another has the power advantage, yet is awkward for the average user. As a publisher, the wide support by WordPress developers means it is a natural choice. Of course, WordPress should not rest on its laurels, believing they “own” an audience. All it takes is for another platform to provide just a bit more than currently available and we could see the balance shift.


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