Recaps From The WordPress Core Team Meetup

The annual WordPress core team meetup has concluded and thanks to Jane Wells, we are able to read into some of the things that were discussed during the meetup. I highly encourage you to read the first recap post and then read recap number 2. It’s these types of meetings where I wish I could be a fly on the wall. As a fan of the software, I’d love to listen in on a conversation between all of the core team members but, it would be incredibly difficult for me not to interrupt them. One of the things discussed that I took interest in was Plugins.

Morning session: Plugins, plugins, plugins. You name it, we talked about it. Findability in the directory, improving the repo and developer experience, plugin review, encouraging collaboration, 3rd party repos, communication with authors, and more.

One other topic that I’m happy to see discussed was the website as well as the WordPress ecosystem as a whole. While I certainly have my eye on what’s going on with the software itself, I find what is going on with the ecosystem surrounding the software more interesting. I want to see how the team plans on improving the website, ways of communication to the people that need to know, restructuring the website to harness the power of the people, etc.


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