Looking For Guest Posts For September

In a few weeks, I’ll be on vacation from September 5th to September 11th. During this time, I won’t be available to write or publish anything which is why I’m asking for volunteers to write guest posts. What I’m looking for are user guides, plugin reviews, tutorials, regarding WordPress, BuddyPress, bbPress, etc. WPTavern.com gets on average 60,000 pageviews per month and some of the smartest people within the WordPress community read the site on a weekly basis. If you write a guest post, be sure to send me the HTML version of the post either in an email or in an attached TXT file. If the post has images, include those as attachments to the email. One of the posts that I am working on for that week is a guide on purchasing themes.


6 responses to “Looking For Guest Posts For September”

  1. I might be interested in this.

    I want to showcase the power and flexibility of WordPress as a content management system by openly converting 1- 2 websites to the WordPress platform for free.

    I’m planning to allow access to the admin pages of the test site I create so everyone can see how easy it is to use once set up.

    See my post on the UK Business Forum

    Once I’ve completed these sites I was thinking of creating a tutorial.

    Hopefully someone will put forward a website to be converted that will call for a good mixture of custom post types and wysiwyg meta boxes. I think a tutorial for setting up WordPress as a CMS with access to a live test site and admin panel would be a good thing for both current users of WordPress and people who might be a little unsure about using WordPress as a CMS.

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