Introducing The Tavern Tip Jar

Today, I’ve implemented a Tip Jar also known as donations on the site. On the right hand side under the sponsor block is a text widget with a link to the donations page. Donations is not a requirement or an obligation but I realize some folks would like to contribute to this community monetarily without necessarily purchasing ad space. There are many ways to contribute to the Tavern community that I will cover in a future post, money is only one of these ways.

For anyone that decides to donate $10.00 or more, a URL of your choosing will be displayed on the donations page for up to one month. This is my way of showing a token of appreciation along with a sincere thanks from me. The total amount a person donates will not be displayed because of the social impact that might have.

If you find this site, the forum, the overall community valuable to you in a monetary way and feel that giving a donation is the best way for you to contribute, the opportunity is now there.

If you have any questions, just leave a comment.


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