How Ryan Imel Created The WP Quarterly Page

One comment I have that applies to all of the e-commerce plugins I tried out is this: the initial setup process is quite overwhelming. During my toying process I set up the basic Quarterly sales items and process for each plugin on a testing location. Without exception, each plugin presented me with options I never ended up needing, or didn’t even care about. I realize that WPCandy’s shopping cart needs aren’t as complicated as some, but that made me wish for a simplified setup process even more.

It would be great to see these plugins take more of a “decisions over options” approach. When that isn’t possible, stashing less vital options in an advanced section would lessen the initial impact of a screen full of checkboxes and dropdowns.

Ryan Imel explained in-depth how he created the sales page for the WordPress Quarterly magazine. Within the post you’ll find his thoughts on the various e-commerce systems he tried, code snippets to produce the page, and much more. Definitely worth a read.


One response to “How Ryan Imel Created The WP Quarterly Page”

  1. Jeffro,
    Thanks for posting the link to this resource. Excellent writeup by Ryan and certainly some good ideas to chew on when it comes to e-commerce and developing niches within your existing website.

    Oh, and because of past experience I was a bit surprised on the wp-ecommerce choice. That’s going to make me take a second/third look.

    Do you have any plans to put these tips to work on the WP Tavern?

    Good times!


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