Great Group Interview With Popular Theme Designers

I just finished reading this great collection of interviews with WordPress commercial theme developers on A couple things worth noting regarding the interviews. The majority of them say that competition is fierce and that getting in the market now will be very difficult. That might be true, but don’t let those words discourage you. There is always room for someone who does themes better whether it be design, user interface, or functionality. Also worth noting that most of the commercial theme shops involved with WordPress are anywhere between 1-5 man shops. That’s an educated guess but I don’t think I’m too far off. This means you don’t need a superb team to make noise.

I enjoy these group interviews. They give readers a wider perspective on a particular market. If that’s not all, there are folks in the comments who say they are gearing up to launch something of their own. At the very least, their efforts should be rewarded by the possibility of more client work.


2 responses to “Great Group Interview With Popular Theme Designers”

  1. I read the same article when it released and you’re right. Initially it was somewhat discouraging when they talked about nobody else should enter in the premium WP market, but I completely agree with what you said:

    “That might be true, but don’t let those words discourage you. There is always room for someone who does themes better whether it be design, user interface, or functionality.”

    While it is difficult, everything takes time and hard work. This goes for anything.

    Good job with what you’re doing here btw.


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