China Blocks Gravatar and How to Adjust WordPress Settings


Automattic is making waves today in the fight against censorship, filing two lawsuits against those who are abusing the DMCA by misrepresenting copyright infringement. The company is taking a stand against the fraudulent misuse of copyright law in order to protect users from censorship.

Meanwhile, the other dark side of censorship – the one that simply turns the lights off and cuts off access to information – is still alive and well. State control over every form of media and communication outlet keeps citizens from coming in contact with new ideas. Policing access to websites deemed as subversive is fairly high on the state’s list of priorities. Sites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are entirely blocked.

Unfortunately, the Great Firewall of China also intermittently blocks both and Gravatar. Automattic has a long history of dealing with censorship in China, Turkey and other parts of the world. The WordPress mission to democratize publishing is far more radical than many political movements. Those of us who enjoy freedom of speech often take it for granted. In addition to protesting and standing against censorship, another thing you can do is help out on the technical details for users in blocked countries.

How to Turn Off Gravatar Support

Here are a few practical tips for working with websites that will be viewed by users who intermittently have Gravatar and blocked. The other day I saw that @rarst jumped in on a conversation on where a user was experiencing a lag in page load times due to the Great Chinese Firewall blocking Gravatar. He suggested several solutions. The easiest one is to turn of Gravatar support in WordPress’ discussion settings:

Settings > Discussion > Avatar Display

Unfortunately, this setting removes support for avatars entirely. If you’d like to add that back in, you might consider using a plugin such as WP User Avatar or Simple Local Avatars.

Hacking WordPress to remove every trace of Gravatar is not a good idea. @rarst suggests overriding the get_avatar() function, which is pluggable. Ordinarily, it doesn’t make much sense to remove Gravatar, but if you have to for whatever reason, please do not attempt to hack the core.

Jetpack Modules to Avoid for the Chinese Firewall

Jetpack LogoIf your site is being viewed behind the Chinese firewall, you’ll want to avoid any modules that directly interface with Jeremy Herve, Happiness Engenieer for Jetpack, outlined a few in a recent support thread:

  • Photon: Serves your images from the cloud preventing Chinese readers from seeing them.
  • Tiled Galleries: Depends on Photon, so you won’t be able to use it.
  • Jetpack Comments: Replaces your comment form by a custom form hosted at Don’t activate this module if you want readers to be able to leave comments.
  • Jetpack Subscriptions: While the Subscription widget would work, subscribers are required to click a confirmation link leading to a page.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: Shows a pop-up business card of your users’ Gravatar profiles in comments.

Most of Jetpack functionality should work just fine. For the modules that interact with in your admin area, Jeremy suggests using a VPN to administrate your site. If you need alternatives to the and Gravatar-powered modules, check out Jeff’s recent post: 15+ Plugins To Get Jetpack Functionality Without Using Jetpack.

Hopefully, someday we won’t have to worry about oppressive regimes restricting, Gravatar and other sites that support freedom of speech. In the meantime, these practical tips should help you work around China’s firewall. Anyone else have anything to add for adjusting WordPress sites to prevent problems with firewalls?

photo credit: florian.b via photopin cc


6 responses to “China Blocks Gravatar and How to Adjust WordPress Settings”

  1. “Hopefully, someday we won’t have to worry about oppressive regimes restricting … sites that support freedom of speech.”

    Unfortunately I don’t see that happening anytime soon. You also have countries that block nearly everything such as N. Korea.

    Many moons ago I ran a political blog that was blocked in China. Over the course of several years I mentioned their leadership only 2 or 3 times but that was enough apparently. They are quite vigilant.

  2. Opressive regimes, that’s funny. Here we are in the midst of changing the American healthcare system which is 1/6th of our economy and it is being done by FORCING youth to purchase health insurance plans they neither need or want in order to subsidize elder Americans and illegal aliens. Go figure!

  3. The US is far from an oppressive regime. One of the two major parties has been very public and vociferous in its strident objections to the new health care law. In China if any public official even hinted at opposition to the official state system to even a thousandth of a degree of that, they would certainly be removed from office in disgrace, and maybe even be shot for treason.

    Just because you don’t like what the US government is doing, particularly such a hotly debated topic as health care, don’t confuse that with an oppressive regime. The opponents to the current ruling party get their say every day, and will eventually get their turn to be in control again. In China there is only one party, and the opponents don’t officially exist.

    Oh, and if you think being forced to buy a health insurance plan is oppressive, try moving to China and becoming a citizen. I’m sure you’ll be singing a different tune then.

    And even suggesting that subsidizing elderly people’s health care is oppressive? I’m guessing you haven’t helped any old ladies across the street lately…

  4. Your comments around the elderly are offensive and disgusting. How dare you when we are discussing WP issues etc. What the …. does that have to do with ???

    I am so offended. Shake your …. head, do you hear anything?.. no?.. because it is empty thats why.

  5. Jetpack comments and subscription modules both are not working. However other modules are fine to use. I did a tweet to and they said that sometime these modules work partially. It’s a very bad situation. Jetpack comments doesn’t matter because we have a theme default comment system as an alternative but using a subscription module is painful because either other systems are not reliable enough or time consuming to implement.


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